Accessible Transport 4 U

Accessible Transport 4 U Community Interest Company & Associates

Access House, 54 Staple Hill Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 5BS

Helpline: 01174-625-913

We’ve Had to Make a Change.

Since February 1, 2023, we had to stop our transport service due to very high insurance costs. We started this service in December 2000 and it was a difficult decision to end it. We had to choose between going bankrupt or stopping while we could still follow the law.

When we closed, we left 952 members without the door-to-door, 24/7 service they counted on. Many disabled people lost a service they found helpful and valued.

That’s why we created a new resource to help disabled people find information about accessible, 24/7 door-to-door transport services that are still running.

We know carers have limited time. Our goal is to make it quicker and easier to find suitable transport options for the people they care for.

Looking through websites for wheelchair-accessible community transport is time-consuming. Websites are all different and hard to navigate. Our team of volunteers invest many days gathering information so you don’t have to.

In July 2023, we launched the Accessible Transport Advice Service (ATAS) website. We’re building it county by county with the goal of covering the entire UK and Isle of Man.

We hope this service helps make your life a little easier.

We want your input! Join us to help keep our information up-to-date and make sure we list all services in your area.

Contact Us:

While we no longer have “wheels on the ground,” our volunteers are still working to support you. We remain open to possibly bringing back our AT4U service in the future, though we can’t make any promises right now.

Signature of Director Martyn J Hancock